
Third Journey (MS 107/2)

2nd January 1779


[2nd January 1779]

peiling aan groen rivier in het bokkeveld
barom: 27 ­ 7.

by het begin van dit velt begint de grond schoon de basis klei. sanderig te worden de vlakke klippen by de plaats bros sanderig en enige kwarts keitjes.


90 0
brete 81 32
8 28
z: dec
22 56
31 24

[miswijzing:] 19 gr. n:w:

[in margin:] weder hier enige kleine mierhopen.
peiling van de plaats van adriaan van zyl aan hantams z punt o:t:z: geeft onse cours tot hier w:t n. 7 myl. de plaats daar wy gisteren van zyn gekomen o z o geeft w:n:w:
schoon weer. z de koel lugje term: 65 ­ 82 ­ 70.

vertrokken na den middag na de plaats van Juffr ryk: die ik peilde in het n t w 2 g n:
rietfontein berg in het n ½ w een myl
noorder hoek van hantams berg in het oost ½ n: de toorn in ‘t oost 3 gr n.

[page 33]
westewind na de middag.
de drooge somer agtermiddag. wind in dese streek west somtyds sterk sandig boven op. van Groenrivier na mostert. 3½ uur rydens met ossen. peilde adriaan van Zyl in het o:z:o: Juffer ryk n:w: ½ n: roep niet berg z:o: t o: 3 gr z.
koebieskow berg daar capt Schonevelt (ďoeroep)
‘taan eiquaas of grasveld volk leggen n:o: t n 3 gr O: 5½ myl kaptein klaas (cannoep) is heer van konatoe of sogenaamde chinesen volk capt: vredevelt (groińam) Ćommaghaqua hartebeestrivier volk.


[2nd January 1779]

Bearings from Groenrvier in the Bokke Veld.
Barometer 27inches ­ 7 tenths.
At the beginning of this region the soil is sandy, though it has a clay base. The flat stones at the farm sandy and crumbly with some small quartz pebbles. Some small ant-hills again here.


90 0
81 32
8 28
South Declination
22 56
31 24

[Error:] 19 deg.; north west

Bearings from the farm of Adriaan van Zyl: to the south point of the Hantam, east by south, which makes our route to here seven miles north by west. The farm where we came from yesterday, east-south-east gives west-north-wes.t Fine weather.
Cool southerly breeze. Thermometer 65 degrees to 82 degrees to 70 degrees

Left in the afternoon for the farm of Mrs Ryk, which I plotted north by west, 2 degrees north. Rietfonteinberg in the north half west, one mile; the northernmost tip of the Hantamsberg is at east half north. The ‘tower’ at east 3 degrees north.

[page 33]
West wind in the afternoon. The dry summer afternoon wind in these parts is westerly and sometimes strong. It is sandy on the heights. From Groen River to Mostert’s, ­ three and a half hour’s journey with oxen. Took bearings: Adriaan van Zyl, in the east-south east; Mrs. Ryk, north-west half north; Roep-Niet mountain, south-east to east, 3 degrees south; Koebieskouwberg where chief Schoneveld (or Doeroep) lives with his Eiquaas or grassveld peoples is north-east to north, 3 degrees east, five and a half miles. Chief Klaas (or Cannoep) is lord of the Konatoe or so-called Chinese people. Chief Vredevelt (or Groinam) is of the Cammaga or Hartebeestrivier people