Third Journey (MS 107/2)
29th December 1778
[29th December 1778]
schoon weer. oost lugtje. term: [blank]
90 | 0 |
81 | 46 |
8 | 14 |
Declination | |
23 | 14 |
**31** | **28** |
barometer 26 6
[page 32]
end van een gebergte daar ik verder over moet w n w Spitse toorn n n w Spion berg.
buffelkops fontein bergen.
oliphants rivier bad z z w ½ z hexe riv z:o ½ 0 de oliphants riv mond in zee w. z:w. 4 gr z
barometer op de top van ȟantams berg 24 8.
bleskops berg. n w t w koebieskows berg n.w:
myn compas op een klip geset wees z:o: ½ o daar sonder klip z wees
[29th December 1778]
Fine weather. Light east wind. Thermometer: [blank]
90 | 0 |
81 | 46 |
8 | 14 |
Declination | |
23 | 14 |
**31** | **28** |
Barometer 26 6
[page 32]
The last peak of a mountain range which I still have to cross is westnorth-west
The peaked ‘tower’ is north-west; Spionberg; Pramberg
The Oliphants River bath, south-west half south; Hex River, south east;
Oliphants River mouth at the sea, west-south west.
Barometer at the top ofthe Hantamsberg 24 inches and 8 tenths.
Bleskopsberg, north-west by west;. Koebieskouw mountain, north west.
My compass placed on a rock showed south-east half east; off the rock it showed south.