Third Journey (MS 107/2)
10th November 1778
[10th november 1778]
den 10
barometer 28 7
90 | 0 |
74 | 15 |
15 | 45 |
declin. | |
17 | 15 |
**33** | **0** |
miswy: 24 gr n:w: zuide weinig wind
term: van 60 t 78 d t 75 mooy weer, bewolkt tot 9 uur S’morg. by de berg bewolkt. vertrokken ons vorig pad en spanden na 11 uren ryd: by hartebeest fontein uit.
coers van avondt west ½ zuid. hier springt de Swarte berg een kleine tak ten n.n.w: 2 myl west van ons. dese tak bevond niet dan een hoge vooruit leggende rug te zijn
gour rit
[10th November 1778]
barometer 28 7
90 | 0 |
74 | 15 |
15 | 45 |
Declination | |
17 | 15 |
**33** | **0** |
Barometer 28 inches and 7 tenths. Error 24 degrees northwest. Soft south wind.
Thermometer from 60 degrees to 78 degrees falling to 75 degrees. Fine weather, cloudy until 9 o’clock in the morning. Cloudy at the mountain.
Departed on our previous road and outspanned at Hartebeestfontein after eleven hours riding. The route this evening west half south. A small branch of the Swartberg rises here north-north-west two miles west of us. This branch turned out to be nothing more than a tall, projecting foothill.