Second Journey (MS 107/1/1-2)
22nd October 1777
[22nd October 1777]
ging na Swellendam om enige drank voor onse reis te kopen, en om ene zaak van myn hottentots zoon met de landrost te vereffenen.
keerde s'avons te rug na de riet valey te rug. hebbende de zaak tot groot genoegen myner hottentot vereffent, dewelke in deze zaak veel ouderlyke liefde en point d'honneur toonde.
[annotated on page 27:]
den 22
[hette smorg: om agt] | [s’middags 12] | [s’avonds ses] | [en agt uur] |
69 | 75 | 63 | 60 |
mooy warm weer westelyk weinig wind
[22nd October 1777]
the 22nd
[Temperature. 8 o’ clock in the morning] | [Afternoon 12 o'clock] | [Evening 6] | [and 8 o'clock] |
69 | 75 | 63 | 60 |
beautiful hot weather, slight westerly wind.
Went to Swellendam to buy some drink for our journey and to settle a case about my Hottentot's son with the Landdrost. Returned to Rietvlei in the evening, having settled the case to the great pleasure of my Hottentot, who displayed much parental love and 'point d'honneur' in this case.