Fourth Journey (MS 107/3/1-2)
30th November 1779
[30th November 1779]
goed weer. koele weste wind nog wat bewolkt. in den agtermiddag.
vertrok Pinar na de Caap en ik bleef met een half dosyn hottentottinnen alleen hier.
s'morg: oostelyk dwarrelde om met son.
wagte na de wagen. ging na soubiesjes, en wat in het ronde, dog sag de wagen niet, keerde omtrent middag na Sand fontein te rug met toenema, de einiqua die agtergebleven was, en nu na syn kraal ging.
[30th November 1779]
Good weather: a cool west wind, still somewhat cloudy.
Pienaar left for the Cape in the afternoon and I stayed behind here, alone with half a dozen Hottentot women.
Easterly wind in the morning, veering with the progress of the sun.
Waited for the wagon. Went to Soubiesjes and wandered around but did not see the wagon. Returned about midday to Sandfontein with Toenema, the Einiqua who had stayed behind and who is now going back to his kraal.