
Fourth Journey (MS 107/3/1-2)

12th September 1779


[12th September 1779]
12 sondag

opklarend w: wind
term 50 - 65 - 53.

Sond varsche ossen om de wagens boven te trekken met den middag kwam paterson en van Rhenen te paard en in den agtermiddag kwam syn wagen, ontramponeert, zynde omgeslagen. om tien uren, zynde Pik donker, arriveerde myn Wagen en schuit zeer gelukkig. onder de berg had het byna niets geregent. ook had het hier gedurende onse reis na de mond gedurig nu en dan geregent.


[12th September 1779]
12 Sunday

Clearing up. Westerly. wind.
Thermometer: 50-65-53.

Sent fresh oxen to pull the wagons to the top. Paterson and Van Reenen came in the afternoon on horseback and his wagon undamaged although it had overturned. Most fortunately, at ten o’clock in the pitch dark my wagon and boat arrived. It has hardly rained at all below the mountain. It has been raining here steadily, now and then, during our journey to the mouth.