Fourth Journey (MS 107/3/1-2)
12th December 1779
[12th December 1779]
't selfde weer.
hoorde desen morgen voor sons opgang enige leeuwen brullen dog sy kwamen niet digt by. vonden hier veel spoor, en enig opgevreten wild. so dat die dieren sig er veel ophouden. ging noord t w: de rivier op, die nog veel droge spruitjes uit den oosten krygt. Ook ene by vogelfontein.
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cammaseep genaamt. ging op een der drie hoge klip bergjes om te peilen. kunnende geene camelen die anders veel hier houden te sien krygen. eenige caminoequas met ouwbeep hun captein kwamen my besoeken. sy bragten een slagt beest mede. gaf hem een granadiers muts. daar hy seer groots op was een hottentot bragt my ook enige goede honing. sy hadden hunne fluiten medegebragt, en maakten hunne gewone dans.
[12th December 1779]
The same weather.
Heard some lions roaring this morning before sunrise, but they did not come close. Found many tracks here and some game that had been devoured, which indicates that these animals frequent this place. Went north by west up the river which still receives many dry streams from the east (there is also one at Vogelfontein)
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called Cammaseep. Went up one of three high stony hills to take bearings. Could not get to see any giraffe which otherwise are abundant here. Some Caminoekwas with their chief Owbeep came to visit me. They brought a slaughter-animal with them. Gave him a grenadier’s cap which he made much of and a Hottentot brought me some good honey as well. They had brought their flutes with them and did their usual dance.