
Fifth Journey (MS 107/4)

14th January 1786


[14th January 1786]

observeerde op de berg en reed te paard vooruit eerst myn vorige pad langs Weduwe Noddé tot op de hoogte na Oude cortje toen draayde links om na botman
(plaats hiet de plaat vond hier de hoogte 3400 voet, en de eerste kalkklippen, en n b tussen banken soort van Granit, die ik in de binnenlanden gevonden heb. Sy waaren in de tuin van Botman, (n.b. dit is seer aanmerkelyk) en vond verder nergens gene, men versekerde my dat er in tanquas caro gevonden worden en de menschen er kalk van branden)
daar na twe en een half uur fris te paard aankwam
de wagen kwam s’nagts en de handen sterk gekwetst door dien sy een yser varken gevangen hadden

koel goed weer wind met son rond
term 75 ­ 85 ­ 80 savons stil


[14th January 1786]

Took observations on the mountain and rode ahead on my previous road, first past Widow Noddé [Naudé], on the hill, and then to old Cortje’s, thereafter turning around left to Bottman’s. which I reached after half an hour’s brisk ride. Farm called De Plaat. Found the elevation here 3400 and the first limestones and N.B. between the layers a sort of granite which I have found in the interior regions. They were in Bottman’s garden. N.B. this is very remarkable. I found no further trace of them. I was assured that they are to be found in the Tanqua Karoo and that the people burn lime from them.
From there I arrived after two and a half hour's brisk riding.
The wagon came in the night.
The hands were badly wounded from them having caught a porcupine.

Cool. Good weather. Wind with path of the sun. Calm in the evening.
Thermometer: 75-85-80.