
Second Journey (MS 107/1/1-2)

28th February 1778


[28th February 1778]

het weer scheen te bedaren nog n:w: wind betrokken lugt. wilde duivenhoks rivier twe uren west van hier passeren eer die vol wierd. vertrok in den morgen. kregen onderweg zeer veel stortregen, en vonden de rivier boorde vol, dus onmogelyk te passeren. kon byna niet door de stroming van het water door de kloven der ruggens te rug komen, over de hoge ruggens reden meest door de wolken, die seer laag hiengen, en my duiselig maakten, raakte byna verkleumt by holtz huisen terug.


[28th February 1778]

The weather appeared to be calming down. Wind still north-west and an overcast sky. Wanted to cross the Duivenhoks River, two hours west of here, before it became full. Departed in the morning. We had many showers on the way and found the river full to its banks, thus impossible to cross. Could almost not get through the kloofs in the hills on account of the streaming waters. We rode over the high ridges mostly through cloud, which was hanging very low, making me dizzy. Arrived back at Holtzhuisen's almost chilled to death.