Third Journey (MS 107/2)
28th October 1778
[28th October 1778]
van nagt enige buien z:o: regen met wind van de morgen helder mooy. z:o: reed west op en draayde om de n w de hoek des Camdeboo berg om. na vier en een half uur osse wagen rydens tot lottering van hem 2 en ½ tot piet meintjes, daar uitspande, nog gansch niet wel. friss z:o. koel weer bewolkte
[page 17]
lugt. term: 60 72 tot 59 sons ond. koude frisse oost wind helder weer door een hap van het gebergte
peilde van de rug voor lottering de zuidelyk punt van soute rivier berg west.
peiling by meintjes
charles marais n:w: t n tys de beer op de noordely punt van zout rivier berg w: t. n: ½ n. de clerq o z o lottering z:o:t:z: ½ z. bere valey z z w vier gr zuid
[28th October 1778]
Some rain showers last night and wind from south-east. From morning it was clear with a pleasant south-east wind.
Rode weswards, and turned to the north west around the corner of the Camdeboo Mountains After travelling for four and a half hours with the ox wagons came to Lottering, and after a further two and a half hours to Piet Meintje’s. where we outspanned.
Still not at all well.
Fresh south-east wind. Weather cool, cloudy sky.
[page 17]
Thermometer: 60 degrees to 72 degrees to 59 degrees at sunset. A cold, fresh east wind through a gap in the mountains. Clear weather. Took bearings from the ridge in front of Lottering’s to the southern tip of the Zoutrivier Mountain: west.
Bearings taken at Meintje’s: Charles Marais, north-west by north; Tys de Beer (at the northern point of the Zoute Rivier Mountain), west by north, half north; De Clerk, east-south-east; Lottering, south-east to south half south; Beerevlei, south-south-west, four degrees south.