Third Journey (MS 107/2)
22nd December 1778
[22nd December 1778]
schoon weer. warm n wind die met de zon omliep.
vertrokken: n:w: ½ w: tot de plaats van hendrik olivier, een en een quart myl. alles het selfde veld. enkelde jaren drogen de fonteinen uit.
90 | 0 |
81 | 6 |
54 | |
misw | |
23 | 28 |
**32** | **22** |
term. 63 82 73 z:o: in den avond
reed na de gisteren gepeilde spitse punt.
agter by van der westhuis begint rhinoster riv. waaraan drie plaatsen. midde roggevelt 11 lang 4 myl op zyn breest, n:w en z:o: loopt smal aan weerskant vele vlakke platen cos. meest vlak bosjes veld. weinig gras als by fonteinen.
[22nd December 1778]
Fine weather. Hot northerly wind which veered with the sun.
Departed north-west half west to Hendrik Olivier’s farm, one and a quarter miles. The same veld everywhere. In some years the springs dry up
90 | 0 |
81 | 6 |
8 | 54 |
Error | |
23 | 28 |
**32** | **22** |
Thermometer: 63 - 82 - 73. South-east wind in the evening. I rode to the sharp peak on which I took a bearing yesterday. Behind it, at Van der Westhuysen’s, begins the Rhinoster River on which there are three farms. The Middle Roggeveld is eleven miles long, four miles at its widest; north-west and south-east. It is narrow on both sides here; there are many flat slabs of Cos. Mostly low brush country. A little grass; like the grass one finds around springs.