
Second Journey (MS 107/1/1-2)

1st February 1778


[1st February 1778]
1 february

weinig wind, seer heet.
reed te rug na van rhenens plaats, om de wagen te halen. vond dat de opperhuid van het zeekoei vel opswol en veel afviel, versag het so veel doenlyk. gingen na de mond van Cabeljauws riviers vissen, vongen een goede sood harders en springers.


[1st February 1778]
1 February

Slight wind, very hot.
Rode back to Van Rhenen's farm to fetch the wagon. Found that the upper part of the hippopotamus skin had swollen up and deteriorated badly. Softened it as well as I could. Went fishing at the mouth of the Kabeljaauws River. Caught a good type of mullet and springer.