Fourth Journey (MS 107/3/1-2)
Fourth Journey (MS 107/3/1-2)
[The journal of R.J. Gordon’s 4th Journey, from 27th June 1779 to 13th January 1780, Brenthurst library MSS 107/3/1 and 107/3/2]
[The transcription and translation given here are based on those made by the late Patrick Cullinan and made available by Professor Andrew B. Smith of the University of Cape Town; they have been checked against scans of the original documents, and corrected and amended.]
[This journal is contained within two exercise books: MS 107/3/1/1 covers 27th June 1779 to 21st October 1778; and 107/3/2 covers 21st October 1779 to 13th January 1780]
[In addition to the daily entries there are substantial texts at the rear of each exercise book, treating of Nama customs and various animals. These are transcribed on this website under the rubric Other Writings as "Appendix to MS 107/3/1/1" and "Appendix to MS 107/3/2".]
[MSS 107/3/1]
[page 1]
Journaal van de vierde reyse van Captein R:J: Gordon in het Zuidelyke Gedeelte van Africa.
begonnen den 27 Junij 1779. van de Caap de Goede hoop.
de termometer observatien zyn by’t opgaan der son, de grootste hette van den dag, dat meest agtermiddag omtrent twe uren is, en by’t ondergaan der son.
[The journal of R.J. Gordon’s 4th Journey, from 27th June 1779 to 13th January 1780, Brenthurst library MSS 107/3/1 and 107/3/2]
[The transcription and translation given here are based on those made by the late Patrick Cullinan and made available by Professor Andrew B. Smith of the University of Cape Town; they have been checked against scans of the original documents, and corrected and amended.]
[This journal is contained within two exercise books: MS 107/3/1 covers 27th June 1779 to 21st October 1778; and 107/3/2 covers 21st October 1779 to 13th January 1780]
[In addition to the daily entries there are substantial texts at the rear of each exercise book, treating of Nama customs and various animals. These are transcribed on this website under the rubric Other Writings as "Appendix to MS 107/3/1/1" and "Appendix to MS 107/3/2".]
[MSS 107/3/1]
[page 1]
Journal of the fourth journey of Captain R.J. Gordon in the Southern Part of Africa,
beginning on 27th June from the Cape of Good Hope.
The thermometer observations are taken at sunrise; again at the greatest heat of the day, which is generally in the afternoon about two o’clock; and finally at sunset.