
Fourth Journey (MS 107/3/1-2)

22nd July 1779


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[22nd July 1779]

term 36 - 81 - 63.
gedawt en kout geweest z:o. lugtje mooy weer.

bleef na de baas van het huis wagten om ons met zyn ossen over namro's berg te helpen, hy quam in den avond, zyn naam was, van der westhuisen.
ging langs dit groene rivier beekje op de jagt en schoten enige eendvogels en berggansen. hoorden tegenspreken, dat de rhinoceros in particuliere vyandschap met den oliphant leeft.


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[22nd July 1779]

Thermometer: 36-81-53.
Dew and it was cold. Light south east wind. Fine weather.

Stayed and waited for the master of the house to come so that he could help us cross the Nameroos mountain with his oxen. He came in the evening; his name was Van der Westhuisen. Went hunting along this Green-River streamlet, and shot some duck and mountain geese. Heard tan argument about whether the rhinoceros lives in particular enmity with the elephant.