
Fifth Journey (MS 107/4)

5th March 1786


[5th March 1786]

ging de bergen over myn vorig pad en kwam na drie en driequart uur aan keurboomsriv, toen de hoogte op en kregen sware donder en regen, so dat in alles na elf uur mars by kretsinger doornat aankwamen.

in den morgen bewolkt
agtermiddag donder en regen uit den n.w.
term 80 ­ 92 ­ 80


[5th March 1786]

Crossed the mountains on my previous route and after three and three quarter hours came to the Keurbooms River. Then went up to the high ground and got heavy thunder and rain, so I reached Kretsinger wet through after an eleven hours’ march.

Cloudy in the morning.
Thunder and rain in the afternoon from the north west
Thermometer: 80-92-80.