
Panorama of False Bay

[In lower margin, centre, hand G:]
gesigt van alles wat men op de Rhede van Simons baay in baay fals kan zien, dus loopt het rond, om die reden heb ik de hoek van muisenburg a weder in de andere zyde gebragt en vice versa. de bergen zyn twe duim quick hoog dus, omtrent de 1800 voeten Engels, boven de zee. R:J: Gordon: 1777.

[hand S1:]
De distantie tussen Simons baaij tot Muisenburg, is twee Uuren gaans, meest een defilé, die moeijelijk is, schoon er een Wagen Pad tot Simons baaij is, dus Zou men, in Cas een Vijand in Simons baaij, daar geen Fort of Stuk Canon is, landen, hem, met eenige traversen in die defilé, die men in korte tijd, van Klippen selfs, zou kunnen maaken, hem de Voortgang beletten, en op eenige plaatsen zou men hem zelfs met steenen van boven te werpen, kunnen tegen houden, doordien de steile bergen digt aan het rotsige strand leggen, en men er met de grootste moeijte een Waagen Pad van Muisenburg tot Simons baaij gemaakt heeft, dus zou op het eerste abord Schijnen best te zijn, om direct aan Muisenburg te landen, dog daar in de Branding so sterk, schoon een sandig strand, dat onse Vissers, met zeer platte vaartuigen, er dikwils een Ongeluk krijgen, dus zou dit niet als bij de favorabelste Omstandigheden kunnen geschieden, en dit nog gesupponeerd, zou men geen Canon kunnen debarqueeren, en was men dan nog 5 Uuren gaans van de Caab.

[within the image:]
X punt, daar dit gesigt van genomen is op de distantie van 60. Voeten van het Posthouders huijs, op 6 Vadem Waater aan Boord de Hoeker de Zon den 2. July 1777.

[from left to right, the inscriptions outside in the margin referencing letters within the image; a mixture of hand G and hand S1:]
Noord Noord Oost

a muisenburgs hoek of weg na de Caap. [hand B:] die 5. uur gaans van de Muisenburg hoek is.


hierbij is een Water valleij, dewelke men op veele plaatsen met Wagens passeerd, in de Zomer droogt hij uit.

Caapse vlakte


h Simons berg by Stellenbos. Noord Oost half Oost.

Frans hoek.


f het eiland

[hand B:]
mallegasen, of liever Rots, waarop veel Robben en Vogels. d de roman Klip, Oost ten Noorden, altijd Sigtbaar, tusschen deese en de Ark, is de ordinaire passage in de Simons baaij.

e passage in Simons baay

Hottentots Holland.

Wagen pad over de bergen na Swellendam etc.

g hottentots hollandscloof.

Steenbrasens riveriertje.

Bergen van Oost zijde van Baaij Fals, op de distantie van 5. duijtsche mijlen. Steil strand

† hier heeft zig de Colebrook Engels Comp. Schip na op het anbeeld, aan de ingang van baaij fals gestoten te hebben, den 21. August 1778. op strand moeten setten en alles verloren.


c de ark,
[hand B:]
dertig Voet boven Water. op deese Ark dagt ik eenige Stukken Canon van veel Nut, dog met sterke Zuid Oost, slaat 't Water er over, hij is plat, 150. Voet lang, boven op, en 90. voet breed, men kan beswaarlijk met een schip tusschen de Ark en de Vaste wal passeeren, om de Klippen. Zij legd Oost Zuid Oost half Oost.

hier eenige Zandige inhammen anders Steil Strand.

b ingang van de baay Fals en vertoond zig de hangklip, zoo als hier onder staat. in het Zuijd Oost ten oosten. b de hanglip Hanglip, of de Oostelijke punt van baaij fals.

Vlagge stok. Weg na de Compagnies Thuijn, een quartier gaans van hier

Burgers Huis.

De hoogste Bergen hier 1800. voet boven de zee.

Deese Burgers woonen meest aan de Caab, en komen in de Noord West Mousson van den 15. Maij tot den 15. Augustus hier woonen, om de Vreemdelingen te gerieven.


Burgers huis.

‘t hoofd.



Simons baaij


doctors huis

posthouders huijs

hier was een gedetacheerd bastion Zeer dienstig.

gouverneurs huijs.

Zuid west half Zuid verbeeterd Compas.

zover marmer groef.


Water val

huis van den Burger Munnik

Herberg of Schaggeraij.

Vlagge stok Noord West half Noord.

Mangeraaijs Baaij

Elsjes baaij

Noord half West

Vishoek baaij

Noord half Oost.

Kalk baaij

in het Noord Noord Oost.

a Weg na de Caab, die 5. Uur gaans van deese hoek is, in het begin Seer sanderig. bij deese hoek is een groote Water valleij, dewelke men op veele plaatsen met Wagens passeerd, en in de Somer uitdroogd.

a. hoek van Muisenburg


Caabse vlakte

Noord oost half noord. Bottelarij.

[In lower margin, centre, hand G:] 
View of all that can be seen from the roadstead of Simon’s Bay, in False Bay; thus it runs [completely] round and for that reason I have brought the spur of Muizenberg again on the other side and vice verso. The mountains are two barometer-inches high, thus about 1800 English feet above sea level. R:J: Gordon: 1777

[hand S1:]
The distance between Simon’s Bay and Muizenberg is two hours travel, mostly a defile that is difficult although there is a wagon-track to Simon’s Bay. Thus, in case the of an enemy landing in Simon’s Bay (where there is no fort and no pieces of cannon) his progress would be hindered by some obstructions across the defile that could be made in a short time, and even of stones; and in some places one could even hold him off by throwing down stones from above, because the steep mountains lie close to the rocky shore, and the wagon-trail from Muizenberg to Simon’s Town was only made with the greatest difficulty. Thus at first glance it would seem best to land directly at Muizenberg. But there the surf is so strong that, despite the beautiful and sandy beach, our fishermen with their very flat vessels very often meet with accidents; and it would only be able to succeed in the most favourable circumstances. And even supposing it did, it would be impossible to disembark cannon and it is still five hours travel from Cape Town.

[within the image:]
x The point where this view was taken, as a distance of 60 feet from the Post holder’s house, in 6 fathoms of water on board the hooker De Zon. 2nd July 1777

[from left to right, the inscriptions outside in the margin referencing letters within the image; a mixture of hand G and hand S1:]
North north east a Muizenberg spur, or road to Cape Town, [hand B:] which is five hours travel from Muizenburg spur.


Here there is a water-vlei which can be forded in many places with wagons. In the summer it dries out.

Cape Flats


h Simonsberg at Stellenbosch. North east half east



f. Mallegas Island, or rather Rock, on which seals and birds are found

d. The Roman Rock, east by north, always visible. The normal passage into Simon’s is between this and the Ark

e: passage into Simon’s Bay.

Hottentots Holland

Wagon-track over the mountains to Swellendam, etc.

g. Hottentot’s Holland kloof

Steenbras River

Mountains of the east side of False Bay at t distance of 5 German miles. Steep shore

+: Here the Colebrook, as ship of the English [East India] company had to strand, losing everythin, having hit against the Anvil at the entrance to False Bay.


c: The Ark,
[hand B:]
thirty foot above water. On this Ark I thought that a few pieces of canon would be of great use; but with a strong south-east wind water breaks over it. It is flat, 150 feet long at the top and 90 foot wide. Because of the rocks ships can only pass with difficulty between the Ark and the shore. It lies east south-east half east.

Here some sandy bays; otherwise a steep shore.

b. Entrance to False Bay, showing Hangklip, as represented below b. Hangklip, or the easterly point of False Bay.

Flag pole

Road to the Company’s garden, a quarter of an hour’s travel from here.

Citizen’s house

The highest mountains here 1800 feet above sea-level

These citizens mostly live at Cape Town, and come to live here during the north-westerly monsoon season from the 15th of May to the 15th of August, in order to accommodate foreigners.


Citizen’s house




Simon’s Bay


Doctor’s house

Post-holder’s house

Here a detached bastion would be very serviceable

Governor’s house

South west half south (corrected compass)

Gorge, mostly of marble



Citizen Munnik’s house

Inn or tavern

Flagpole: north-west half north

Mangeraais Bay

Elsjes Bay [Glencairn]

North half west

Fish Hoek Bay

North half east

Kalk Bay in the north north-east

a Road to Cape Town, which is 5 hours traven from this spur; at the start very sandy; at this spur there is a large water-vlei which can be forded in many places by wagon and dries out in summer.

a Spur of Muizenberg


Cape Flats

North east half north Bottlery

Object data

  • Place: Simon’s Bay, False Bay
  • Date: 1777-1778
  • The inscriptions on this drawing are in hand G, supplemented by hand S1.According to his own inscription, Gordon took this view on 2nd July 1777, but the full-scale panorama was almost certainly enlarged and finished later as the reference to the wreck of the Colebrook in August 1778 attests. On 24th April 1779 Gordon sent “perspectives and plans” of Cape Town and False Bay to the griffier Hendrik Fagel to be handed to the Stadholder Willem V, adding that he was sending copies to the Advocate F.W. Boers. The exact replica of GA-17-16 now in the Nationaal Archief, The Hague (inv. 4 Topo 15.120E) is likely to be one of these, probably the Stadholder’s. The inscription there is almost identical with only a few differences in wording and orthography, but is entirely written in Gordon’s own hand.

  • Size: h 33 cm × w 446 cm
  • Object nummer: RP-T-1914-17-16