
Second Journey (MS 107/1/1-2)

7th October 1777


[7th October 1777]
den 7

omtrent tien uuren wilden wy onse reis langs het binnenste strandt van baay fals vervolgen.
na dat de wind ging leggen begon het met buien sterk te regenen. zo dat wy besloten nog den dag te bergvliet te blyven. gingen in de agtermiddag naar de Constantias en quamen op bergvliet in de avond te rug, en vonden de proef van de asch faliquant.

[annotated on page 3:] dingsdag om 8 uur Smorgens 60, noordwest wind, fris opwayende betrokke lugt de tafelbergen bedekt. regenbuien door den heelen dag, de wind rondlopende door het zuiden


[7th October 1777]
The 7th

Tuesday: 60 degrees at 8 o'clock in the morning. Fresh, north-west wind blowing up. Sky overcast, Table Mountain covered. Showers of rain throughout the whole day. The wind veering round through the south.

At about ten o'clock we wished to continue our journey alongside the innermost shore of False Bay. After the wind had dropped, heavy rain-showers began to fall so that we decided to remain at Bergvliet for the day. Went to the Constantias in the afternoon and returned to Bergvliet in the evening, and found the ash experiment fallacious.